Sunday, December 3, 2006

Contraceptive Would Keep Men From Ejaculating Sperm

Scientists in the United Kingdom are working to develop a contraceptive that would prevent men from ejaculating sperm, BBC News reported.

Researchers at King's College London noted that drugs used to treat blood pressure and schizophrenia had this effect, but these drugs cause side effects such as dizziness and drowsiness and couldn't be used as contraceptives.

After further investigation, the researchers identified chemicals that prevent the longitudinal muscle in the vas deferens from contracting and propelling sperm into the penis.

The scientists plan to test this treatment in animals and humans. If those trials are successful, the contraceptive may be available within five years, BBC News reported.

Several other kinds of male contraceptives -- including patches, injections and implants -- are currently under development. However, most of these are designed to trick the brain into switching off hormone production.

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